Top 50 Idioms and Phrases with Hindi meaning and Examples

Idioms and Phrases Question in Hindi 

Idioms and Phrases with Hindi meaning

1. A close shave – Narrow escape from danger
- खतरे से बाल बाल बचना
Ex: I had a close shave this morning - some idiot almost knocked me off my bike.
(Stenographer, 2010)

2. Cool as cucumber – Not nervous or emotional
- नर्वस या भावनात्मक नहीं होना
Ex: Despite the mishap Margaret was cool as a cucumber.
(Stenographer, 2010)

3. In high spirits - Cheerful
- उत्साह में होना
Ex: They'd had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.
(Stenographer, 2010)

4. Scapegoats - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings that others have done
- बलि का बकरा बनाना
Ex: The community chose to ignore its own failings and to scapegoat her instead.
(CHSL, 2010)

5. Wears heart on sleeves – Express feelings openly
- भावनाएं खुलकर व्यक्त करना
Ex: Because she wears her heart on her sleeve, it's easy to hurt her feelings.
(CHSL, 2010)

6. To pay off old scores – To refund old dues / To have revenge
- पुराना हिसाब करना / बदला लेना
Ex: From her attitude it is clear that she wants to pay off old scores.
(CHSL, 2010)

7. Man of letters – Proficient in literary arts
- साहित्यप्रेमी
Ex: He wished to fashion for himself a career as a man of letters.
(CHSL, 2010)

8. Turn down - Refuse
- इनकार / मना कर देना
Ex: He turned down all our offers of help.
(CHSL, 2010)

9. On good terms – Agree with someone
Note: If two people are on good terms or on friendly terms, they are friendly with each other.
- मित्रता में
Ex: Bill is on good terms with the people he works with.
(CHSL, 2010)

10. Measure up – Reach the level
- एक स्तर तक पहुंचना
Ex: If you do not measure up to a standard or to someone's expectations , you are not good.
(CHSL, 2010)

11. Doctor the accounts – To manipulate the accounts
- खाते में हेरफेर करना
Ex: He doctored the accounts.
(CHSL, 2010)

12. Dark horse – An unexpected winner / a person of little prominence or who has little chance to be successful
- छुपा रुस्तम / अप्रत्याशित विजेता
Ex: You never can tell, some dark horse many come along and win a Lok Sabha seat.
(CHSL, 2010)

13. In the red – Losing money/to owe money
- देनदारी होना
Ex: If you or your bank account are in the red, you owe money to the bank.
(CHSL, 2010)

14. In lieu of – in place of / instead of
- के एवज में / के बदले में
Ex: They gave me roast in lieu of Idly.
(CHSL, 2010)

15. Beat about the bush – Speak in a round about manner
- इधर उधर की बातें करना
Ex: He never beat about the bush when something was annoying him.
(CHSL, 2010)

16. Bring about - Cause
- घटित करना / कार्य-संपादन करना
Ex: Major spending is required to bring about substantial improvements in housing.
(Stenographer, 2011)

17. At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion
- विकार या भ्रम की स्थिति
Ex: Parents and teachers are at sixes and sevens over sex education.
(Stenographer, 2011)

18. Lose head – Panic / to become angry or confused or emotional to the point where you cannot think clearly
- घबराहट में होना / गुस्सा या भ्रमित होना
Ex: Don't lose your head over John.
(Stenographer, 2011)

19. Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish
- आड़े हाथ लेना / स्पष्टीiकरण माँगना
Ex: The teacher took John to task for his bad behavior.
(Stenographer, 2011)

20. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you have no authority
- निर्णय करना
Ex: There is a committee that sits in judgment of every job applicant, and they can be very harsh.
(Stenographer, 2011) 


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