Showing posts with label AWS Route 53. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWS Route 53. Show all posts

AWS Route 53 DNS and Amazon Route53 Hosted zone

AWS Route 53 and DNS Management

AWS Route 53 is mainly for 

A) DNS Management
B) Traffic Management
C) Availability Management (Server Health Check)
D) Domain Registration

DNS (Domain Name Server) it's like a phone-book. It actually translate the Domain name in to IP address. Whatever the Device is connected with the internet have the Unique IP which we cant remember easily. So that's why Name came in picture. DNS will translate that name to IP Address.

For Example :

website: have the Unique IP Whenever any request comes using the DNS will translate it into the respective IP.

Port Number is used to identify the specific process or request comes via internet or network and it forward to the server for further processing. Port 53 sets a communications protocol for the Internet network layer, transport layer, and session layer. Name server basically route the traffic to the server.

Route 53 name server function

Why Named Amazon Route53?

Route53 which manages our DNS runs on port number 53. Any request comes to Route 53 it will translate the Web address to specific IP address for further communication with the server. 

We can perform all sort of task using Route53 Hosted Zone such as DNS Management, Domain name Registration, Domain transfer, Server health check and traffic management etc.

Points to Remember about Amazon Route53:

  • Route53 is Global Services like IAM.
  • Route 53 supports IPV6 also. AWS Provide two type of domain one is Generic Top level domain(.com, .net, .org etc) and second one is Geographic Top level domain(.in, .uk, .us etc)
  • Multiple Hosted zones can be created with the same name but the name server inside the hosted zone will be different. 
  • Route 53 assign four name server to hosted zone which will be different and unique.
  • SOA (Start of Authority) will contain the information about the hosted zone what you create.
  • Transfer of Domain is possible between two AWS account for that you must contact The AWS Support.
  • When you migrate domain name from one AWS Account to other AWS Account in that case only domain get transferred not Route53 hosted zone.

AWS Route53 Function request handling  

AWS Route 53 dns resolver

There is two type of hosted Zone, Public and Private Hosted Zone. Whenever we create or register a  domain using Route 53 at that time Four  name server and one SOA(Start of Authority) is created automatically.

Supported Route 53 DNS Record Type

A Record(IPV4): It map the Domain name to IP Address (IPV4 which is 32 bit).

AAAA Record(IPV6):  It map the Domain name to IPV6 Address (IPV6 Which is 128 bit)

CNAME Record (Canonical Name Record) : It  will point the different URL format to the registered URL.You cant create the CNAME for the top domain (Main Domain).

Example:,, all are same this all canonical name must point to single domain what you wish among the list. 

amazon route53 hosted zone

NS Record :  Which point to your server or name server or Domain name server is same.

SOA (Start of Authority) : SOA contain all the information about the Domain owner, changes made in the hosted zone. It contain the authoritative server detail.

MX Record: MX Record maintain the record of mail created using the mail. example

Route 53 Hosted Zone Policy

  • Simple Routing(By Default) : Simple Routing is very simple routing policy. At the time of creating record set if we don't select routing policy by default it will be assigned.  
  • Failover Routing : In this Failover Routing Policy we create two server one as a primary server and second as a standby server. Initially all the request will be sent to the primary server in case of primary server failure the standby server will be activated and the request will be serve by standby server.  
  • Geolocation Routing : This Routing we apply when we have server in various location. Like if we have server in India and HTTP requests are coming from the India. In that case the traffic will be redirected to that particular geo location Instead of redirecting the traffic to other location. This routing policy will work if we have server in multiple location and you want to serve the local content.  
  • Multivalue Answer Routing: Multiple IP will be assigned to handle the request.
  • Latency Based Routing : Latency based routing will serve the request wherever it can get the faster response. Again it is similar to Geolocation routing but latency based routing is not location specific. if your request is getting response faster from USA then routing will serve your request from there. 
  • Weighted Routing : Here we defined the traffic weight-age. Means you will decide that how much % traffic will go to which server. 
  • Geo Proximity:

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