World Largest, Smallest, Longest Gk Question
Which of the following facts is not true about river Nile?
- A. It is the longest river in the world.
- B. It flows into the red Sea. Correct Answer
- C. It covers a length of about 6,695 kilometers (4,160 miles).
- D. It is in African continent.
River Brahmaputra does not flows in Which Country
Which of the following is NOT correct about river Amazon?
- A. It originates from Andes mountains
- B. It is the world’s second largest river after Nile.
- C. Madeira is the largest tributary of the Amazon.
- D. All of the above are wrong. Correct Answer
Which of the following is the Longest River of Asia?
Yukon River falls into which sea?
Which of the following river crosses the equator two times?
The famous American river Mississippi flows into the Gulf known as
Which one of the following rivers passes through the Grand Canyon in the United States?
Which of the following is the deepest river in the world?
Which one of the following Indian rivers does not have its source in Tibet?
Which of the following pairs is correct?
Paris is situated on the river
Krishna Raja Sagara Dam, located in Karnataka is built on which of the following river?
In to which of the following water bodies does the River Nile empty itself?
Which of the following rivers has no bridges over it?
The River Seine is situated in
From origin to the delta, the Brahmaputra traverses
- A. Tibet, China and Myanmar (Burma)
- B. Bhutan, Nepal and India
- C. China, India and Bangladesh Correct Answer
- D. India, Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma)
On the banks of which are the capital cities of Austria, Serbia and Hungary located?
On which of the following rivers is the Aswan Dam located?
Mesopotamian civilization thrived in the area between which two rivers?
- A. Euphrates and Nile
- B. Tigris and Euphrates Correct Answer
- C. Nile and Tigris
- D. Euphrates and Diyala
Which country does not have any river flowing through it?
What name does Brahmaputra take as it discharges into the Bay of Bengal?
On which of the following rivers are the famous Victoria falls located?
New York city is situated on the bank of which of the following rivers?
Which one of the following cities is located on the bank of the Irrawady river?
Which one among the following rivers is the longest?
What is the length of the Nile (appx), which is the longest in the world?