100 Laravel Framework Interview Question
1) Describe Laravel?
Laravel is MVC(Model View Controller) architecture based open Source php Framework developed by Taylor Otwell. Latest version of Laravel Framework is 7.0 which got released on March 3rd.
Laravel 1st version got released on 9th June 2011.
Laravel 1st version got released on 9th June 2011.
2) What are the Laravel Framework Feature ?
Top Feature of laravel Framework is below.
- CRSF (cross-site request forgery )
- Eloquent ORM
- Laravel paginations
- Database Seeding
- Reverse Routing
- Query builder
- Route caching
- Database Migration
- Unit Testing
- IOC (Inverse of Control) Container.
- Job middleware
- Lazy collections
3) Define Laravel Eloquent ORM ?
Laravel Eloquent feature is object Oriented paradigm approach of database communication. In Eloquent we create Model for each Table in the database, which set the communication (Fetching, Inserting, Deleting, Modifying the Record ) with database. It represent Database Table as a Class.
Laravel Eloquent ORM With Example Read More
4) What is Soft Delete? How to use it in Laravel Model?
Soft Delete is feature of laravel framework which helps when model is soft deleted. In this scenario the data record is not deleted form the database table instead deleted_at timestamp is maintained.
5) Define Laravel Query Builder ?
Query Builder in Larevel is a Package through which we create and run database query Quickly to run the application smoothly. Query Bulider Use PHP Data Object (PDO) where we dont have to worry about the SQL Injection. It can perform all Database Operation such as CRUD, DB Connection, Aggregate Function etc.
Laravel Query Builder With Example Read More
6) Explain Middleware Concept in Laravel?
Middleware provide a filter as well as it act as interface or
Middle-Man between HTTP request and response which access the
application. Middleware is a way to filter all the bad or Forgery
request which try to access your Application.
Laravel Middleware Type
- Global Middleware
- Route Middleware
Laravel Middleware With Example Read More
7) Define Aggregate Function ? What are the aggregate function available in Lravel Query Builder?
In Aggregate Function, Database Table Rows are grouped together based on certain Criteria to get specific summary value. Laravel Provide various aggregate function which we can use in our query, list is below for your reference.
- count() function
- max() function
- min() function
- sum() function
- avg() function
8) Explain Laravel Migration? Write the Artisan Command for Laravel Migration ?
Laravel Database Migration is way through which we build and maintain the Database Schema. Migration is Version Control of Your DB, which will allow Developer team easily to modify and share the DB Schema.
Laravel DB Migration provide the facility for those who is not able and poor in maintaining, updating Database.
Migration In Laravel contain by default Two method up() method is called when a DB is modified or changed. Whereas, the DB Migration down() method is called when DB is reverted back.

Artisan Command for Laravel migration. php artisan migrate
9) Describe Laravel Reverse Routing ?
Laravel reverse Routing is one of the Awesome Route Feature. Reverse Routing is process of generating the URL based on the Route Deceleration. Reverse Routing sets a relationship between links and web routes.
Consider below route declared as Example (consider your Website as www.abc.com)
{ { url( '/usre-login' ) } }
$url-link = URL::route('usre-login');
$redirect-link = Redirect::route('usre-login');
Above three will generate the URL which is below as a example :
URL : www.abc.com/user-login
Now reverse routing is process to generate the url based on Name or other parameter.
{{ HTML :: link_to_action( ' UserController@userLogin ' ) }}
This above reverse routing will also generate or point the same URL www.abc.com/user-login .
10) What is Artisan ? List some Common Php Artisan command?
Artisan is command line Interface tool which help in laravel Application Building. To Kmow all this List of Artisan command, Use the below Artisan command.
php artisan list
List of Common Artisan Command for hassle free Laravel application Development is below:-
- php artisan list
- php artisan make:controller controller-name
- php artisan make:model model-name
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan make:middleware middleware-name
- php artisan tinker
11) Define Controller ?
Controller handle all the HTTP Request logically and divert the Web Traffic to View and Model. It Contain all the Http Handling Logic within Single Class. Artisan Command to create the Controller is below for your Reference.
php artisan make:controller controllerName
Controller is C of MVC(Model View Controller).
12) List out some Laravel Official Packages?
Laravel Packages list is below for your reference.
- Dusk Package
- Envoy Package
- Horizon Package
- Cashier Package
- Passport Package
- Scout Package
- Socialite Package
- Telescope Package
13) What is the difference between find() and where() method in laravel?
The Major Difference between them is find() method always use Primary Key to filter the table record, whereas where() method uses any table column to filter the table record set.
find() method will return the single table row from the database. where() method return multiple record based on the condition.
14) What is Named Route in Laravel ?
Named Route is a friendly name given to the route the reference. We can use Named rout to specify the particular Route as well as to generate the URL / to redirect to specific URL.
Route::post('profile-data/save', 'ProfileController@saveProfile')->name('profileData');
You must keep the route name always unique. Generating / Redirecting Url for Names Route is below for your reference.
$url = route('profile');
return redirect()->route('profile');
With Name Route we can pass the second or third parameter as a argument.
Route::post('profile-data/{id}', 'ProfileController@updateProfile')->name('profileData');
To pass the parameter as argument in the named Route code is below for your reference.
$url = route('profile', ['id'=>1 ]);
If we pass the additional parameter in the array, that will be automatically added in the URL generated query String. Below is the example for reference.
$url = route('profile-data/{id}', ['id' => 1, 'rollno' => '1004']);
URL String generated is below /1/profile?rollno=1004
15) Define Laravel Validation?
Laravel Validation is the way through which we can verify and filter the data coming to the Application database. We can have clean and validated data in the database coming with HTTP with powerful validation rule.
As we know that we store the data in the Database using form. As we must not fill our database with junk and invalid data, we do form validation in client Side as well as server side. The validation purpose is to get the exact data what is required for application.
You can use validate method for data filteration.
You can use Validation make() method to create manual validator.
16) Define Route::fallback method with Example?
You can use validate method for data filteration.
$validatedData = $request->validate([ 'FULL_NAME' => 'required|max:25', 'mobile' => 'required|digits:10|unique:valid_table,mobile', 'email' => 'required|email|max:255', ]);
You can use Validation make() method to create manual validator.
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'first_name' => 'required|max:255', 'mobile' => 'required|digits:10', ])->validate();
16) Define Route::fallback method with Example?
Route::fallback method is another feature of Laravel Routing in which we handle the HTTP request which do not match with our route list. By default laravel render the 404 not found page using exception handler. Now laravel fallback method you can define and redirect to the view which will get execute if not HTTP request matches.
You must always define the Route::fallback method at the last of route file. Below is the code for your reference.
Route::fallback(function() { return 'You have landed on wrong url. '; });
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